Arkane Linux

Setting up an Arkdep repository

Arkdep can be used entirely locally, but it is also capable of pulling images from an external repository.

Repository layout

This would be a suitable layout if repo_url in /arkdep/config is set to

⚠ Default Arkdep uses random strings to identify images, for readability in this example we instead use human readable names. ├── arkdep ├── arkanelinux | ├── database # Plain text file containing : delimited lists of all available images `image_name:compression_method:shasum` | ├── arkanelinux_v1.0.tar.zst # Compressed disk images | ├── arkanelinux_v1.0.tar.zst.sig # Detached GPG signature | ├── arkanelinux_v1.0.pkgs # Package list | ├── arkanelinux_v2.0.tar.zst # Compressed disk images | ├── arkanelinux_v2.0.tar.zst.sig # Detached GPG signature | ├── arkanelinux_v2.0.pkgs # Package list ├── test-arkanelinux-kde | ├── database | ├── arkanelinux-kde_v1.0.tar.zst | ├── arkanelinux-kde_v2.0.tar.zst

Database file

The database file contains a : delimited list of all available images. Each line contains the following information image_name:compression_method:shasum.

The top most entry in the database is considered to the be latest available image, this image is pulled by default if no version is manually defined.

arkanelinux_v2.0:zst:d5f45b2dac77399b37231c6ec4e864d184d35cf1 arkanelinux_v1.0:zst:80ba4c7f3ff7a0ebce8e67d5b73f87c56af1b9f3

The image name could be set to almost anything, the only requirements are that the name is unique and does not contain a delimiter or other special characters.

The compression method is flexible, any compression method tar can infer is supported. Some examples being xz, gz and zst.

The SHA checksum is used to ensure the file was downloaded properly. The goals of the SHA checksum is to quickly check the images for data corruption, not to ensure cryptographic integrity. If a GPG signature is provided the checksum is unused.

SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 are all supported, arkdep will automatically infer which type is used.

An - might be inserted in to the checksum section of the list to skip the checksum check.

pkgs files

Pkgs files are automatically generated by arkdep-build. They are an export of the package list in package v1.0 format. These files, if available, can be used by arkdep diff to compute the package diff between versions or variants of the OS.

Database entry generation script

Here is a helpful little script to quickly generate a database entry for a newly created image.

#!/usr/bin/env bash checksum=($(sha1sum ./target/*.tar.*)) file=$(basename $(ls ./target/*.tar.*)) compress=${file##*.} id=${file%%.*} echo "$id:$compress:${checksum[0]}"

Signed images

A GPG signature is by default optional, if available Arkdep will use it instead of the checksum to verify image integrity. Arkdep can be configured to require these files to be provided by setting gpg_signature_check to 2 in the config file.

Generating a signature

Generate a signature like so;

gpg --output customlinux_v1.0.tar.zst.sig --detach-sig customlinux_v1.0.tar.zst

Then simply drop these signatures next to the disk image itself in the repository.

Arkdep assumes the signatures to be identical in name to their parent file with a .sig appended.

097b11844383f9ff62367b54608f9153e3c30e9551.tar.zst 097b11844383f9ff62367b54608f9153e3c30e9551.tar.zst.sig